ICARO: expert management system for highways and road networks.
Expert road management system
Pavements, bridges, inventory assets...
Survey, pavements, traffic, road security...
Planning, scheduling, control…
This module displays the geometric data -camber, slope and radius of curvature- of any roadway network in both graphic and numeric formats. Data is obtained by high-performance equipment that measures and records the roadway geometry.
From road signs, vertical signals, equipment, environment, milestones, and structures, ICARO contains the inventory of all of the network elements on the roadway. Each of them has a personalized file that records its characteristics including location, condition, and a history of actions performed.
This module allows maintenance personnel to generate reports of works and incidents. By keeping this information up-to-date, clients are able to quickly obtain certified reports and information that allow them to make informed decisions on the maintenance and management of the road network.
The module displays the actual structural section of the entire network, as well as the history of all the actions performed on the pavement, with its corresponding characteristics such as date of execution, materials used, and company that performed the work.
Through this module, information on the structural and functional condition survey of the pavement can be obtained including historic and statistical values. This data is accessible through tables, histograms, thematics and graphics.
ICARO allows representing any consultation in mapping thematics, obtaining a visualization that facilitates the interpretation of the results located on the map of the network.
By using the latest traffic counts, this module allows automatic calculation of the Level Of Service of the entire network and can show historic traffic count data for comparison.
This module contains all the information on accidents on the network. ICARO automatically performs Black Spots, the Risk Index and the Mortality Rate – essential data for analyzing road safety on a network.
This module allows visualization and monitoring of the routes that the maintenance vehicles follow. It may obtain data on performance and work executed (e.g., knowing in real time whether the snowplow blade is up or down).
This module automatically segments in stretches of homogenous behavior. Each of these segments are then characterized by statistical values of survey, so they can be analyzed through the Expert Road Management System.
Having established the level of quality to be maintained, ICARO indicates the long-term action plan, tailored to the needs of each client/managing entity. The evolution of the parameters is performed following development models based on the experience acquired by RAUROS in the various networks studied from the beginning of the development.
With the latest data in place, the principal use of this tool is its capacity to cross information of various areas. Simply and directly, it enables obtaining specific information. Furthermore, the data obtained may be represented in tables and thematics.